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Beyond 440
What really makes WIDEX BEYOND special is that it is easy to use and has customization made for the iPhone app. With an interface that can be personalized by the wearer, the BEYOND app gives unparalleled connectivity between hearing aids and the iPhone, resulting in easy-to-stream, exceptional sound. BEYOND is also the only made-for-iPhone hearing aid with an app that utilizes the familiar swipe functionality for easy navigation – so wearers can quickly and easily navigate through various intuitive commands and screens. – The perfect hearing companion for your Smartphone or Tablet.
The future of hearing aid connectivity is here–WIDEX BEYOND Tri-Link Technology provides multi-connectivity to the wearer’s iPhone, t-coil and our full range of DEX communication devices.
- 15 processing channels
- High-frequency boost
- Programmable Push Button (i.e. preference Control, program shift or a combination of the two)
- Wind noise attenuation
- Focus Mode
- Digital Pinna
- Soft-level noise reduction
- TruSound Softener
- Unique Real Time InterEar Speech Enhancer
- Noise Reduction
- Sound Class Technology – 9 InterEar sound classes
- 15 Channel HD Locator
- 5 Programs
- InterEar Zen
- Audibility Extender
- InterEar Variable Speed Compression
Compatible with all of Widex’s Wireless accessories: CALL-DEX, TV-DEX, COM DEX, UNI DEX, RC-DEX, FM+ DEX, PHONE DEX (Sold Separately). This pair of Widex Beyond 440 hearing aids are iPhone compatible and come in a variety of colors. Start hearing better today with Widex!
Still have questions regarding the features or functionality of this hearing aid? Call our friendly representatives at 1-877-577-4327 or 1-866-987-0006
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